
Join Us

We invite you, as concerned and conscious women and men, to get involved in this important work by becoming members, attending one of our events, or joining one of our working groups.

The Well Foundation currently has three types of membership.

1. Sustaining Memberships - $100 or more per annum
2. Supporting Memberships - $25 per annum
3. Volunteer Members

This third category - Volunteer Members - is designed to encourage you to join with us and help out, in whatever small way that you can - setting up spaces for gatherings; greeting guests; helping out at a front door table; assisting with the preparation of refreshments (making tea and coffee); closing up an event; spreading the word, etc.

How Membership Fees are Used:

The aim of the Society is to keep capital expenditures and ongoing costs to a bare minimum. We function on a volunteer basis.

Membership fees help us maintain some funds to take care of basic costs of operating the Society - annual registration fees; room rentals; printing and photocopying, etc. We do everything we can to ensure that our programs are self-sustaining through donations and memberships.


The benefits of membership mostly derive from the moral satisfaction of contributing to the mission and activities of the organization.

Membership and volunteership entitles you to join any and all of our circles and gatherings in an "active" manner.

With your agreement we can also add you to our expanding database of contacts and supporters so that you are kept up to date on all our activities.

Current Sustaining Members - 2010:
  • Chris Bullock
  • Brian Hawksworth
  • Dale Perkins
  • Grant Taylor
  • Louise Taylor
Current Supporting Members - 2010:
  • Lynne Parten
  • Debbie Smith
  • James Stevenson
  • Michael Tacon

To help the Well Foundation with a donation, contact our treasurer Chris Bullock at 250-384-8236 or at

Your assistance with our ongoing activities, events and workshops is very much appreciated. To get involved or to help out, simply come to one of our events (refer to EVENTS at the top of this blog) and talk with us.

If you are interested in becoming a member (Sustaining or Supporting) of the Well Foundation please contact Chris Bullock at 250-384-8236 or at