Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aspects of Resilience - Session 1

Wednesday, 6th April ...

with Chris Bullock and Michael Tacon featured on the "ONENESS WEDNESDAYS in APRIL" sponsored by the Church of Truth and the Well Foundation.

Each session will involve dyads and group sharing, meditation and other exercises in a circle format. It will be in an atmosphere of mutually supportive exploration.

Session 1:
6th April - Personal (Psychological) Resilience: An Exploration: What is it and what creates it?

Resilience is our ability to recover from setbacks, both major and minor, to embrace change and to soften, rather than fight. This first week, we will explore how resilience plays out in our lives, especially in these times of profound change.

Through writing exercises and group sharing, we will identify our own style and level of personal resilience, and examine the childhood experiences and personal and cultural stories that have both inhibited and aided our personal resilience.

Finally, we will explore together possibilities of transforming ourselves to meet the challenges of the future.

Session 2:
13th April - Relational Resilience: From Conflict to Connection

How we relate with ourselves, with each other, and with the world at large — greatly influences our ability to handle major difficulties in a resilient way.

In Session 2 we will identify obstacles to collaborative relationship and communication styles which do not serve our deepest relational needs.

We will then look at how different communication models (such as non-violent communication) can dramatically improve our relationships and end this session by looking at how all the areas of relational resilience come together as a powerful antidote to the negative effects of profound societal change.

Session 3:
20th April - Spiritual Resilience: Living "Inter-Being"

Our belief systems and our relationship with the Sacred have a strong connection with our ability to cope with dramatic events that profoundly change our lives. How we make sense of what happens to us directly affects our ability to respond effectively.

If we over-identify with our individuality — our separateness – we cut off any possibility of adequate connection to the whole, the bigger picture, and the sense of significance and meaning that can flow from that perspective.

How do we overcome the illusion of separateness?

We will use some periods of meditation and shared reflections to explore this question and for each of us to discern what works best for us as ways of anchoring us to the realm of the Sacred, in whatever way we understand that term.

Session 4:
27th April - Resilience: Integration and Moving Forward

What does a resilient way of living look like as we chart a course ahead that includes a healthy mix of inner coherence, relational efficacy and spiritual attunement?

Through some guided meditation and dialogue, we will imagine together what our resilient way forward can look like. In this way, we can identify what we need to do to prepare ourselves for the Great Turning.

Bio - Michael Tacon:
Michael is strongly committed to finding ways to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world in a positive and constructive way through his work as the Program Director for the Well Foundation, the Treasurer of the Centre for Earth and Spirit, his role in the Sooke Transition Initiative, and his work as a facilitator with the Pachamama Alliance. He sees the issues of resilience and sustainability as being key factors in the renewal of our civilization.

Bio - Chris Bullock:
Chris is particularly interested in the psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions of resilience and sustainability, and tries to develop this focus in his work as Secretary-Treasurer of the Well Foundation, coordinator of the Heart and Soul working group in Transition Victoria, student of Non-Violent Communication, and facilitator in the Pachamama Alliance/Awakening the Dreamer program, which he would like to learn to bring to children.

Everyone is Welcome!
Drop in to "Oneness Wednesdays" (Attend one or more sessions)

Future Sessions: Wednesdays, 20th and 27th April.

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street, Victoria.

Cost: Free or by donation.

More Information: Contact Linda Chan at (250) 380-6383 or go to

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